Setup Scheduled Tasks

You will need to first make sure that wget is installed on your server, as this is used to load the task URLs.

Setting up All Tasks trigger

The Khaos Control Web plugin has several tasks it needs to run automatically, such as caching the system data, re-generating the sitemap, clearing old logs, etc. These can be seen in the CMS by going to "KC:Web" -> "Tasks".
1. Log into your webserver and open Tasks Scheduler.

2. Go to "Action" -> "Create Task".

3. Setup the task with the following settings:
a. Name: KCW Live Tasks
NOTE: Replace "Live" with "Staging" if you are setting up a test site.
b. Run whether user is logged on or not: ticked
c. Run with highest privileges: ticked
d. Trigger:
i. One time
ii. Start: 05/02/2019 01:00:00
NOTE: Change the date as required.
iii. Repeat task every: 5 minutes
iv. for duration of: Indefinitely
v. Enabled: ticked
e. Action:
i. Start a program
ii. Program/script: "C:\Program Files (x86)\wget\wget.exe"
NOTE: Change this to the installation path of wget.
iii. Add arguments:
--no-check-certificate https://WEBSITE_URL/task/all/?token=kyb50xgpm04fn6jd-x8z -O Website_Tasks.txt
NOTE: Replace WEBSITE_URL with the URL of the website.
iv. Start in: C:\Program Files (x86)\wget
NOTE: Change this to the installation path of wget.
f. Conditions:
i. Start the task only if the computer is on AC power: unticked
ii. Wake the computer to run this task: ticked
g. Settings:
i. Allow task to be run on demand: ticked
ii. Run task as soon as possible after a scheduled start is missed: ticked
iii. Stop the task if it runs longer than: 1 hour

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