Add Products to your Website

In order for a product to show up on your website, you will need to do the following:
  1. You must add your product to a category within the “Web Categories” screen in Khaos Control. For more information:
The product must be set to be “Publish on web” in “Stock” -> “Detail” -> “Options”

Here are some other useful things to know about products:
1. If a product is set to “Run to zero” and has 0 stock available or is set to “Item discontinued in “Stock” -> “Detail” -> “Options”, it will not be automatically removed from the website, but it will not be orderable.

2. If you want a product to be accessible on the website, but not directly visible, you can add an extra category within the “Web Categories” screen in Khaos Control, and set it to be “Hide on Menu”, then add your products to that category. This may be useful if you want a product to be accessible via it’s URL, but not within the normal category structure, or if you have functionality that requires extra products to be added to the basket along with the selected one.

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