Accessing the Utypia Settings
You can access the main KC:Web Settings by going to “KC:Web Settings” -> “Available Options” on the left-hand menu.
You will then need to click on the “Utypia” tab to switch the view to the options for this plugin.
Available Options
Utypia Shop URL: Enter the URL of the Utypia shop to send customers to when personalising products.
Utypia Identity: Enter the Utypia Identity to use when sending data from the website to Utypia.
Utypia Shard Secret: Enter your Utypia Shared Secret, for authorising Utypia connections.
Utypia Deployment Mode: Select the mode to use when sending data to Utypia.
Utypia Secure Connection: Select whether Utypia should use a secure connection or not (this options should be set to 0 when running the site on a local machine, and 1 when running the site from a server.
Utypia Expiry: Enter the number of months before expiring a Utypia personalised product.