Google Shopping

Accessing the Google Shopping Settings

You can access the main KC:Web Settings by going to “KC:Web Settings” -> “Available Options” on the left-hand menu.

You will then need to click on the “Google Shopping” tab to switch the view to the options for this plugin.

Available Options

Google Shopping Exclude Parent Products: Set whether to exclude parent products from being sent via the Google Shopping API.

Google Shopping Include Child Products: Include child products in the data sent to the Google Shopping API (this is restricted to single-level SCS).

Google Shopping Client ID: Set your Google Shopping Client ID, which you can find in your Google API Crendentials setup.

Google Shopping Client Secret: Set your Google Shopping Client Secret, which you can find in your Google API Crendentials setup.

Google Shopping Merchant Id: Set your Google Shopping Merchant ID, which you can find in your Google Shopping setup.

Google Shopping Default Brand: Set the default brand that will be sent to Google Shopping if no valid manufacturer codes are available.

Google Shopping Default Google Product Category: Set the default Google Product Category (Google Product Category ID or full path) that will be sent to Google Shopping, this can be overriden by the UDA GoogleProductCategory.

Google Shopping Default Content Language: Set the default content language that will be sent to Google Shopping, this can be overriden by the UDA GoogleContentLanguage (default: en).

Google Shopping Default Target Country: Set the default target country that will be sent to Google Shopping, this can be overriden by the UDA GoogleTargetCountry (default: GB).

Google Shopping Default Channel: Set the default channel that will be sent to Google Shopping, this can be overriden by the UDA GoogleChannel (default: online).

Google Shopping Default Currency: Set the default currency that will be sent to Google Shopping, this can be overriden by the UDA GoogleCurrency (default: GBP).

Google Shopping Default Shipping Price: Select the default shipping price that will be sent to Google Shopping with all products, this can be overriden by the UDA GoogleShippingPrice (do not include currency symbols).

Google Shopping Default Shipping Name: Select the default shipping name that will be sent to Google Shopping with all products, this can be overriden by the UDA GoogleShippingName.

Skip Zero Price Products: Exclude products from being sent that are have a price of 0.00, as Google Merchant Centre fails zero priced products.

Use All Products Lookup: Select whether to use the "All Products" lookup, rather than the "Category" lookup for loading products, this can improve load times in certain circumstances.

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