Comments List

Accessing the Comments List

You can access the Comments list page by going to "Comments" on the left-hand menu.

You will then see a page with a table of all the comments that have been left by users.

Approving/Unapproving a comment

To approve or unapprove a comment, hover over the comment's row with your mouse and a menu will be shown, then click on "Approve" or "Unapprove" and the comment's status will be updated.

Approved comments will be shown on the front-end of the website.

Deleting a comment

To delete a comment, hover over the comment's row with your mouse and a menu will be shown, then click on either "Spam" or "Trash" depending if you want to mark the comment as spam, or just delete it.

Spammed and Trashed comments are not removed immediately, they are moved to a different status, and can be seen by clicking on the "Spam" or "Trash" links at the top of the page.

Spammed and Trashed comments will have different options when you hover over the comment's row, where you can restore the comment, or delete it permanently.

If you want to delete everything on either of these pages, you can click an "Empty Trash"/"Empty Spam" button at the top of the page.

NOTE: Deleting comments from the Spam/Trash pages is permanent, and cannot be undone.

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